If you only have a single methodology or process you force fit the brand issue to your approach. It’s like a square peg in a round hole.
We have a wide range of brand strategy tools, research methods and access to experts in different fields so we can tailor the process to your culture and your problem.
We define consumer insight as fresh useable perspectives on the relationship between a brand and its user/intended purchaser.
Insights aren’t miraculously discovered, but created by asking a series of provocative questions – the more provocative the question, the more powerful the insight.
INSIGHTMENT™ is a unique and growing bank of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ questions based on examples of global brand best practice in communications, innovations and media planning to create choices that leads you to the insight that works best for your brand, new product innovation or communications.
MOVEMENT MODEL provides a motivating strategic theme for your brand.
The framework has six components as a way of elevating your brand idea.
1. Shared beliefs and worldview
2. Internal communication
3. External communication
4. The Leadership Role
5. Events and Incidents
6. A Manifesto for the brand’s future
Based on successful social, political and artistic movements, the task is to bind people closer to the brand and link the various elements in the creative marketing mix.
Social Media and Branded Content has meant that successful brands no longer attach themselves to content, but can become the content themselves.
To be more creative with strategy, BRANDS AS BROADCASTERS is a methodology that provides your brand with several roles to consider in creating your future strategy – informing, entertaining, educating and engaging with audiences in your brand communications.
To think of your brand as a broadcaster, and audiences as a series of interlocking communities, gives you more channels to consider and more roles to play in people’s lives.
A way of generating multimedia ideas rooted in brand truths to exploit your brand equity to the full.
ICON uses a framework based on the world’s most revered brands. They display 5 facets, each of which can be a platform for your marketing strategy and brand communications.
Working through each facet and all potential brand contact points generates opportunities for communications. A way to construct integrated communications plans.
Ideal for media neutral campaign development which can be done in conjunction with clients and their agents across all elements of marketing strategy.
Customers today demand a clear actionable brand vision.
Future Memories is a vision tool, whereby you imagine your business news story 5 years hence with alternative scenarios. One headline reads as great news – YOUR BRAND SKY ROCKETS, the other YOUR BRAND PLUMMETS. Funny how most people want to do the bad one first.
A great way for teams to flush out fears and assumptions, get focused on positive aims, unite to form a strategy action plan for success.
A great way to find brand opportunity is to start with what exists and look for improvements.
In the history of a brand there will be times when it has done things well… so how could those be done better?
To achieve focus for brand innovation strategy, benchmark the best and identify what it would take to close the gap from where you are now.
Can be used remotely, in strategy workshops or in plenary, to get idea generation going quickly and easily.
Works well with FUTURE MEMORIES
Time is a strategic resource and often people will fail to work together to best advantage and mutual benefit.
TRAFFIC LIGHTS is a simple facilitation tool for action planning in marketing workshops. Proposals, recommendations, or ideas should be swiftly given a green light if agreement criteria are met. Similarly a red stop light from the group saves debating time for proposals which have merit but lack substantive weight of evidence at the given time.
Today’s brand marketing must adapt to our relentless demand for change.
Despite our best efforts, there can be many hurdles that can block the change we seek. This workshop facilitation tool helps get everyone to focus and agree what needs to change to make the future brand strategy happen.
What hinders progress, what needs to start happening and what do you need to keep doing as part of the marketing plan to make the most of the brand opportunity and exploit the brand’s potential.
Works well with FUTURE MEMORIES